Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Log book 2

Rashid AlMenhali H00132879
Date: 26.05.2010 Time: 0935-0940
Subject: Egypt
Introduction: The introduction was good I didn’t use notes I memorized my words and read form the board.
Body language: The body language is good.
Attitude: relaxed and comfortable.
Eye contact: good.
Slides: 10.
Colorful: yes.
Clear: yes.
Relevant: Yes
too many words: no.
Content: I introduced the problem and its solution and I think I did well.
Language: good.
Meaning clear: yes.

Abdulla Masoud H00131565
Date: 23.05.2010. Time: 1025-1040.
Title: Endangered species & how to save them.
Introduction: his presentation was about endangered species and he showed the problem and discussed the solutions. He explained the slides in detail and he was very good answering the questions.
Attitude/body language/ eye contact: he was nervous; his body language was good and he kept watching the students.
Slides: there were 13 colorful clear relevant and not to many words.
Content: he explained the causes of the problem and the possible solutions.
Language: his words were clear and there were a few grammatical mistakes.

Faisal Saif H00133058

Date: 25.05.2010 Time: 1203-1213

Title: Junk food

Introduction: introduction was good and clear.
Body language: The body language is good.
Attitude: relaxed.
Eye contact: good.
Slides: 13.
Colorful: yes.
Clear: yes.
Relevant: Yes
too many words: no.
Content: he introduced the problem and stated the best solution.
Language: good.
Meaning clear: yes.

Mohamed Saleh H00128186

Date: 25.05.2010 Time: 1225-1235

Title: Hacking
Introduction: introduction was short and clear.
Body language: There was not enough positive body language.
Attitude: relaxed and comfortable.
Eye contact: mostly looking at the wall.
Slides: 10.
Colorful: no.
Clear: no.
Relevant: Yes
too many words: no.
Content: he introduced the problem and stated the best solution.
Language: messy, complex.
Meaning clear: yes.

Ahmed Abdul Rahman H00132633

Date: 25.05.2010 Time: 1239-1248

Title: Traffic congestion problems in the UAE & how to solve them.
Introduction: introduction was good
Body language: The body language is very good.
Attitude: nervous stressed.
Eye contact: good.
Slides: 11.
Colorful: yes.
Clear: yes.
Relevant: Yes
too many words: yes.
Content: he introduced the problem and stated the best solutions.
Language: good.
Meaning clear: yes.

Saood Abdulla H00131022

Date: 25.05.2010 Time: 1249-1306

Title: Growing crime rates in Dubai.
Introduction: introduction was good and clear.
Body language: The body language is good.
Attitude: relaxed.
Eye contact: good.
Slides: 11.
Colorful: yes.
Clear: yes.
Relevant: no.
too many words: yes.
Content: he introduced the problem and stated the best solution.
Language: good.
Meaning clear: yes.

Mohamed Rashed H00132635

Date: 25.05.2010 Time: 1325-1343

Title: Obesity
Introduction: introduction was good and clear.
Body language: The body language is good.
Attitude: nervous.
Eye contact: looking at the wall and the board.
Slides: 15.
Colorful: yes.
Clear: yes.
Relevant: Yes
too many words: yes.
Content: he introduced the problem and stated the best solution.
Language: good.
Meaning clear: yes.

Fahad Abdrabboh H00130970

Date: 25.05.2010 Time: 1345-1355

Title: Tire recycling
Introduction: introduction was good and clear.
Body language: The body language is good.
Attitude: relaxed.
Eye contact: mostly at the board.
Slides: 10.
Colorful: yes.
Clear: yes.
Relevant: Yes
too many words: some slides had many words and some not..
Content: he introduced the problem and stated the best solution.
Language: good.
Meaning clear: yes.

Mohamed Hasan H00132994

Date: 26.05.2010 Time: 0830-0840

Introduction: introduction was good and clear.
Body language: The body language is good.
Attitude: nervous.
Eye contact: mostly at the teacher.
Slides: 10.
Colorful: yes.
Clear: yes.
Relevant: Yes
too many words: no.
Content: he introduced the problem and stated the best solution.
Language: good.
Meaning clear: yes

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Vocublary log

1) Hence: adv. From this source. Ex. They grew up in the Sudan; hence their interest in Nubian art.
2) Confer: verb. To consult together; compare opinions; carry on a discussion or deliberation. Ex. The Saudi king flew to Washington this morning to confer with the American president
3) Domestic: adjective: of or pertaining to one's own or a particular country as apart from other countries: some people are complaining about the domestic affairs in the country.
4) Access: noun. The ability, right, or permission to approach, enter, speak with, or use; admittance: ex: They have access to the files.
5) Internal: adjective. Of or pertaining to the domestic affairs of a country ex: His highness Sheikh Saif bin Zayed is the minister of internal affairs in the UAE.
6) Occupy: verb. To take or fill up. I occupied my evenings reading newspapers.
7) Attributed: verb. To consider as a quality or characteristic of the person, thing, group, etc. Ex: He attributed intelligence to his colleagues.
8) Status: noun: state or condition of affairs. Ex. Arbitration has failed to change the status of the disagreement.
9) Phase: noun. A stage in a process of change or development. Ex: Each phase of life brings its own joys.
10) Promote: verb. To help or encourage existing or flourishing. Ex: United Nations promoted a campaign on world peace.
11) Attitude: noun. Manner, disposition, feeling, position, etc., with regard to a person or thing; tendency or orientation: Faisal has a negative attitude.
12) Concentrate: verb to come to or toward a common center; converge; collect. Ex: The people concentrated in one part of the city.
13) Grant: verb to give or accord. Ex: The manager granted permission to his secretary.
14) Obvious: adjective. easily seen, recognized, or understood; open to view or knowledge; evident: It was an obvious advantage.
15) Despite: preposition. in spite of; notwithstanding. Ex: He was tolerant despite his background and education.
16) Justify: verb. to show, to be just or right: Ex: he does not always justify the problem.
17) Sequence: noun. order of succession. Ex: In the library the book shelves are in alphabetical sequence.
18) Ethnic: adjective. belonging to or deriving from the cultural, racial, religious, or linguistic traditions of a people or country. Ex: The theatre will play some ethnic dances.
19) Retain: verb. to continue to use, practice. Ex: My grandfather is still retaining an old custom.
20) Contribute: verb. To give, to a common supply, fund .Ex: He contributed to many charities.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Log Book

Date: 30.03.2010
Time: 12:23, 12:43
Venue: F52
Presenters: Ahmed Ali + Hedley
Subject: Polluted cities worldwide
Slides: Ahmed and Hedley illustrated 10 slides showing the pollution globally in many cities and states which are : Abu Dhabi, Berlin, Cairo, London, L.A., New Mexico, Paris, Santiago, Texas and one was about World War Two.
Ahmed was introducing the slides and Hedley was talking about the most polluted cities today.
The slides were 10 and they were colorful and informative and interesting. There were no written slides only pictures.
Ahmed and Hedley were directly contacting the students.They didn’t read from notes and they weren’t nervous or confused. The class asked many questions about the presentation. The English was accurate & clear throughout.

Date: 13.04.2010
Start Time: 12:12
Finish time: 12:20
Venue: F52
Presenters: Rashid
Subject: smoking
How many: 8
• Colorful: most of the pictures were good and colorful.
• Informative: the presentation was informative.
• Interesting: the presentation was interesting.
Body language: good.
Eye contact: no eye contact because I was watching the presentation.
English: The English language is accurate and clear.
Questions: they asked questions during the presentation and I answered them carefully.
Abdurrahman Saif & Mohsen - Emirates in the past.
• Date:
- 11-4-2010
• Time:
- 11:20 – 11:35
• Venue:
- F52
• Presenters:
1. Abdurrahman Saif
2. Mohsen
• Subject:
- The Emirates in the past
• Slides:
- There are 15 slides.
• Colorful:
- No, it was only white and black.
• Informative:
- Yes
• Body language:
- Good
• Eye contact:
- Good
• English:
- Good
• Clear:
- Yes
• Accurate:
- Yes
• Questions:
1. Can you give me some examples about the materials?
2. Are the fishermen today Emiratis?
Fahad Al Mesabi & Mohammed Al Hammadi - Recycling
• Date:
- 11-4-2010
• Time:
- 11:40 – 11:55
• Venue:
- F52
• Presenters:
1. Fahad Al Mesabi
2. Mohammed Al Hammadi
• Subject:
- Recycling
• Slides:
- There are 10 slides.
• Colorful:
- yes.
• Informative:
- yes
• Body language:
- good
• Eye contact:
- good
• English:
- good
• Clear:
- yes
• Accurate:
- yes
• Questions:
1. How do they recycle the papers and the cans?
2. Is there recycling in the UAE?
Mohammed Al Zaabi & Sultan Al Marzooqy - business
• Date:
- 12-4-2010
• Time:
- 12:55 – 01:10
• Venue:
- F52
• Presenters:
1. Mohammed Al Zaabi
2. Sultan Al Marzooqy
• Subject:
- Business
• Slides:
- There are 10 slides.
• Colorful:
- No
• Informative:
- Yes
• Body language:
- Good
• Eye contact:
- Good
• English:
- Good
• Clear:
- Yes
• Accurate:
- Yes
• Questions:
1. From where did you get the information?
2. Why did you choose this subject?
3. What does entrepreneurship mean?
Salem Al Mazrouei - Smoking
• Date:
- 18-4-2010
• Time:
-10:20 – 10:30
• Venue:
- F52
• Presenters:
1. Salem Al Mazrouei
• Subject:
- Smoking
• Slides:
- There are 8 slides.
• Colorful:
- Yes
• Informative:
- Yes
• Body language:
- Good
• Eye contact:
- Good
• English:
- Good
• Clear:
- Yes
• Accurate:
- Yes
• Questions:
1. How can the government make the smoking illegal?
2. How can we stop smoking?
3. What is your opinion about the new rule of not allowing smoking in the general places?
Mohammed Saleh & Saoud
• Date:
- 13-4-2010
• Time:
-12:35 – 12:54
• Venue:
- F52
• Presenters:
1. Mohammed Saleh & Saoud Abdulla
• Subject:
- Preserving our culture
• Slides:
- There are 8 slides.
• Colorful:
- Yes
• Informative:
- Yes
• Body language:
- Good
• Eye contact:
- Good
• English:
- Good
• Clear:
- Yes
• Accurate:
- Yes
• Questions:
- We asked questions and they answered them correctly.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Goals of the meeting

The purpose of this meeting is to present the HCT to students, so they can know what facilities that they have in order to improve studying in HCT.
Moreover, how to increase their English language skills by letting them read English books because this is the key to improving learning English and to raise their level as high as they can.
The minutes of the meeting:
Date: 23-2-2010
Time: 12:55 PM
Place: F52
Attendance: Sultan Ahmed, Abdulla Khalid and Rashid AlMenhali.

1) Improve English skills.
2) Using Technology products.
3) Helping the students to use other materials.
I (chairman) called the meeting to order at 12:55 P.M.

What was said and what was decided? (I the Chairman).

Answer: Participant and secretary said that students should make more exercises and educational exercises and teachers should take them to educational field trips. I decided to make for students exercises, and educational field trips activity.

How to improve English skills
Do you agree or disagree about using technology in HCT
How do we help students in other materials?
The participant said that by practicing English skills. I, secretary and the participant agreed that using technological products in HCT was useful because they will increase their learning skills.
The secretary said that the material that helps students is to take them on trips and make them a competition to encourage them

I the Chairmen: I think to improve English is by making exercises and educational games.
Abdulla + Sultan agreed because it will make the students attentive in class.
Abdulla agreed about taking them to educational trips
I asked if there was A.O.B. There not being I closed the meeting at 1:00 pm.

I the chairman led the meeting well, as well as the secretary who is Abdulla Khalid and the participant who is Sultan Ahmed who discussed the agenda well and Abdulla Khalid who wrote the minutes specifically about how to improve the HCT in many ways and we all discussed them one by one. We learned how to stick to the topic and not go further in the discussion about things not on the agenda. So if we run another meeting we will be good at it.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Classmate Introduction

Hi, my name is Rashid. Today I’d like to introduce our classmate Saif. I’m going to tell you about his hometown, family, and favorite activities. Saif was born in Abu Dhabi. However, he now lives in Mohammed bin Zayed City, Abu Dhabi. He has 11 brothers and sisters. When Saif has free time he likes riding motorcycles and even falconing.

Saif's ambition is to be a minister, perhaps the minister of finance. His best holiday was in Khatem. He went there 2 months ago with his friends to the desert in Khatem. He has been to Khatem many times because his relatives live there. He thinks the best thing about ADMC is the people, because he knows them all. And the worst thing about ADMC is the projects, because all the subjects want projects.

Now you know a little bit about Saif AlKhaili, his family and leisure activities.